

no soot or smoke

quality-certified raw materials

We are working with

quality-certified raw materials!

We are working with

quality-certified raw materials!


All relevant work on constituents, possible health risks and test methods are compiled in the following.

New findings on fine dust from candles

Report by the ECA European Candle Association.

Candle quality and burning properties

Vortrag der DEKRA, Volker Albrecht, 07.05.2014 (not available in english)

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Matthäi Gutberlet Feller Schimmelpfennig Stübiger — Measurements of the light intensity of candles of different compositions

The aim of the investigations was to determine the light intensity of candles made from kerosene, beeswax, fat and stearin. In order to obtain a statement about the effectiveness of the combustion of these different candle raw materials, a measurement set-up was developed which makes it possible to determine the wax consumption and the light intensity simultaneously. The ratio (light intensity/wax consumption) of the two variables provides a measure of the effectiveness of the conversion of chemical energy into light.

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Candle Science & Testing – Report on the Ökometric Wax and Emissions Study

A new, internationally funded study on candle emissions has confirmed that well-made candles of all major wax types exhibit the same clean burning behaviour, and pose no discernible risks to human health or indoor air quality.

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Matthäi Veith — Method for Determining the Soot Index

A method for determining the soot behavior of burning candles is presented. The equipment and costs of this method are in good proportion to the results obtained. It can be used both for quality assurance and for product development. This formed the basis for the EN standard for soot measurement.

Matthäi Petereit – THE QUALITY CANDLE

This article describes the raw materials and additives used in candle production and explains the combustion process in the candle flame. Based on the definition and classification of candles, the criteria that are decisive for the safe and environmentally friendly handling of candles are presented.

The design and content of a necessary European quality standard for candles are derived from this.

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