

no soot or smoke

quality-certified raw materials

We are working with

quality-certified raw materials!

We are working with

quality-certified raw materials!


The Quality Association for Candles stands for quality and progress in candle manufacture.
Below you will find some of the innovations that we have implemented in recent years.

The RAL Quality Mark for Candles as a European Warranty Mark

The RAL quality mark has been recognized by the European Union as a guarantee mark. This means that the rules of the RAL quality mark are legally recognized throughout Europe.

Revision of the RAL Quality Mark for Candles

RAL has approved the revision of the quality and test specifications after the successful completion of the RAL consultation process.

The revision contains above all clarifications on how to:

– Audits by external auditors, in particular DEKRA

– Burning time specifications for grave yard lights

– Test methods for the determination of limit values for ingredients with health relevance

Comprehensive spot checks

in commercial sector for all pillar candles with RAL quality marks on a quarterly basis

DEKRA tests iPad app for measuring flame height.

This measurement method may become a quality mark standard from 2020.

Comprehensive spot checks

in commercial sector for all tealights with RAL quality marks on a quarterly basis

Consideration of BGH decision on “tested by LGA” from 2016 in the quality mark environment.

Revision of quality assurance and test specifications with the following objectives:
  • Further reduction of heavy metal limits according to the Alara principle
  • For the first time, requirements around the flammability of plastic containers

Coming into force: 1 January 2017

New quality assurance and test specifications in force

since 1 December 2015

The quality assurance and test specifications have

  • a simplified structure
  • only minor changes in content
    • a new chapter 041/2, “Lights”
      • changes only for
        • 2-3.2 Brennzyklen
        • 2-3.5 Brennmassenrückstand (Anhebung auf 3g)
  • A clear definition of “tealights” as follows:

These specific quality assurance and test specifications apply to tealights.


  • Have a fuel material mass with an outside diameter of 36–39 mm and a maximum height of 17 mm
  • Do not contain additional fragrances, colours or beeswax
  • are fired in a non-combustible container, e.g. made of metal, glass or plastic. The container prevents the fuel from leaking out

Within this scope, the “Tealights” product needs to meet the requirements of the Quality Mark for Candles.

Quality Assurance and Test Specifications for Candles — RAL-GZ 041

Find out more

Approval of a major revision of QA and test specifications

  • with clarification of the requirements for wicks
  • and complete synchronisation of requirements for scented candles with IFRA standards

Coming into force and publication after approval by RAL (expected in September 2015).

Development of an app for the precise measurement of flame height during the entire burn time.

QA and test specifications amended
  • Elimination of the minimum weight for tealights while maintaining the requirements for flame height and minimum burn time
  • Definition of test methods to be used for paints and varnishes
Test programmes for alternative test methods for PAH and sulphur

Renewing the recognition of suppliers of

  • candle fuels
  • paints and varnishes
  • wicks
  • fragrances

Recognition ensures quality in the supply chain through

Supplier obligation to adhere to quality mark standards
Established QM systems of suppliers, monitored by Gütegemeinschaft Kerzen e. V.
For the first time, requirements for alternative fuels and fuel mixes more precisely defined, achieving an extremely low level of pollutant emissions and sustainable usability.

achieving an extremely low level of pollutant emissions and sustainable usability.

Requirements for paints and varnishes heightened.

Heightened requirements take into account

  • public discussion
  • Demands of NGOs, which were introduced as a quality mark standard in the absence of state regulations or were significantly stricter than state-defined threshold values
Further development and harmonization
  • Further development of RAL-GZ 041
  • 2nd European Candle Days in Potsdam
  • Updating the harmonization of safety-related European candle standards with the General Product Safety Directive (No. 2001/95/EC)
Labeling and accreditation
  • Labeling of candles with identification number
  • Approval of suppliers by the Quality Association for Candles.
  • Integration of the ban on phthalates in the confirmations of fragrance manufacturers
  • 1st European Candle Days in Potsdam
International expansion
  • Translation of the RAL Quality Mark into other European languages
  • Workshop for dealers' quality management staff in Dortmund
Workshops und revision
  • Revision of RAL-GZ 041
  • Workshop for candle manufacturer dealers in Frankfurt
Foundation of the ECI
  • Foundation of the European Candle Institute (ECI) as a non-profit association under Belgian law
New requirements
  • Development of requirements for greases for the risk to the user through conventional use of the candle
  • RAL proposal for a new design of the candle quality mark
Candle safety
  • “Candle safety” standardization project harmonized with the EU Product Safety Directive
  • RAL approval of the revised RAL-GZ 041
Revision of the standards
  • Revision of RAL-GZ 041 standards Annex I: UV stability, new requirements for wicks, amended requirements for paints
Expansion and recruitment
  • Definition of the soot limit value for the candle quality mark
  • Preparation of the European Quality Association for Candles
  • Extension of the “RAL Quality Mark for Candles” to include the “RAL Quality Mark”
European standards
  • Request for a European standard for the soot measurement method
  • Translation of the website into English and French
  • Pilot project with the soot measuring device
Brand registration
  • Rejection of retailers as supporting members
  • Registration of the candle quality mark as a European trademark
New regulations
  • Changes to the quality and test specifications
  • Exclusion of CHCs
  • Introduction of regulations for scented candles
  • English version of the quality and test specifications RAL-GZ 041 printed
  • Application for the RAL Quality Mark for Candles as a European trademark
First successes
  • 19 member companies receive the RAL Quality Mark for Candles
  • Internet presence of the Quality Association at
  • Recognition of the quality association by RAL on August 11